Merry Christmas from Historic Joplin!

We hope everyone is has a Merry Christmas today, and if you happen to celebrate other holidays this time of year, we hope those were/are just as great! Above is a political cartoon from 1917, in which a child leaves a note for Santa Claus that puts the welfare of her family over wonderful new toys. Below is a menu from the Connor Hotel for those wanting to enjoy their Christmas dinner at the Connor in 1918.

Click on the menu to find a larger version.

A Ride into the Past

A street car makes its way up Main Street

It’s that time again, the Polar Express, a restored streetcar is now offering rides up in Webb City’s King Jack Park, on Saturday. Tickets are required and this is the last scheduled Saturday to catch a ride on a piece of Joplin’s past (at least until it’s warm again!). A ticket will gain you a 12 to 15 minute ride. The event, which includes a visit from Santa Claus, runs from 4:30pm to 9pm.

For a bit more history on the event, check out this Globe article.

Christmas Ads From Yesteryear

As the memories of this year’s Christmas begin to fade, we’ll take one last look back at Christmas in Joplin.  Below are a series of ads from Joplin papers, and if one thing is evident, the commercialization of Christmas isn’t a recent innovation.  Click on the images to see larger versions.

Perhaps the most restrained ad, courtesy of the Joplin Furniture Company.

Sedwick's Furniture of Webb City makes sure you notice its suggestions for Christmas.

Christman Dry Goods Company offers unique Christmas art with the procession of three bears on a lead.

Close up of the bears from the Christman ad.

Christman Furniture advertises a Christmas sale event, not to be missed!

A rather simple trunk factory ad.

Further holiday art.

A Belated Merry Christmas!